The Inclusive Workplace

The definitive guide to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – for all managers and staff

The Inclusive Workplace has been developed specifically to meet the increasing need for ever more time and cost efficient training solutions.

Available in a single interactive and engaging e-learning resource, The Inclusive Workplace not only enables your managers and staff to gain a quick insight into the key themes of the Equality Act 2010 and the Protected Characteristics, but also provides a practical introduction to identifying and responding to bullying and harassment and understanding the unconscious biases we all hold.

Featuring powerful drama scenarios and documentary video testimonies, The Inclusive Workplace emphasises that, far from being just a matter of legal compliance, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion means fostering and valuing an open and transparent culture, which encourages high performance in individuals and teams.


The Inclusive Workplace e-learning course and trainer-led workshops are equally valuable for introducing new staff to matters of equality, diversity and inclusion for the first time. They can also both be used as a refresher and update for those who have a basic understanding, or for helping managers and HR professionals to get the best from an organisation-wide equality and diversity programme.

Content modules:

  • Equality Essentials: Understanding Key Terms - Handling Harassment - Providing an Inclusive Service - Equality in Action
  • Age - When People Join - When People are Working
  • Race - Understanding Exclusion - Responding to Client Issues
  • Gender - A Level Playing Field - A Balancing Act
  • Maternity & Paternity - Managing Maternity & Paternity
  • Disability Confident - Understanding Disability Equality - People with Disfigurement - Turning Law into Best Practice
  • Religion & Belief - Dramatised Case Studies
  • Sexual Orientation - Creating Confidence
  • Diversity & Recruitment - Recruitment and Selection - Retention - An Inclusive Environment
  • Understanding Bias - Bias at Work - Decisive Moments: A Case Study

Courses Available

The Inclusive Workplace delivers an insight and understanding of the following key themes:

  • Improving policy development and service delivery
  • Ensuring existing policies and services are reality-checked
  • Ensuring compliance with your legal obligations
  • Avoiding unlawful discrimination
  • Promoting trust and confidence
  • Race
  • Religion & Belief
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Bullying & Harassment
  • Unconscious Bias
Elearning Courses

Our off-the-shelf elearning courses combine video drama with documentary sequences and interactive study to provide flexible, cost-effective training that delivers results.

  • Powerful drama trigger scenes
  • Expert commentary and analysis
  • Flexible interactive learning modules
  • Step-by-step assessment
  • Customisation to suit your organisation's needs
  • Low cost per head

Many of our e-learning courses have a corresponding video-based trainer resource.

Our Elearning courses are built to be fully SCORM compliant, which means they will upload and run seamlessly on your in-house Learning Management System.

Alternatively, we can host the courses for you on our own user-friendly, web-based Learning Management System. This system makes it easy to deliver and track our elearning content, and our clear and concise reports give you access to the data you need for compliance or management reports.


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