• Video Collection

    Our video collection contains over 160 training scenarios covering equality, diversity and inclusion, bullying and harassment, and workplace skills.

    Video Collection

  • Conflict Drama DVDs

    The Conflict Dramas DVD series aim to help learners explore gender and racial inclusion issues as well as other equality strands from a range of perspectives and use problem solving skills to attempt to resolve dilemmas.

    Conflict Dramas

  • Equality and Diversity Toolkit

    The 26 part Complete Training Toolkit allows trainers and practitioners to deliver equality and diversity training through a structured learning programme. Updated to include the 2010 Equality Act changes.

    Equality & Diversity Toolkit

  • E-Learning Courses

    Our off-the-shelf e-learning courses combine video drama with documentary sequences and interactive study to provide flexible, cost-effective training that delivers results. Courses can be customised to suit your organisation's needs and offer a low cost per head.

    Elearning Courses

  • Diversity Calendar

    Our Diversity Calendar is available for for immediate download and can be tailored with your organisation's logo. The Diversity Calendar is currently available for £99

    Diversity Calendar

  • Diversity Posters

    We have a range of Diversity Posters, all available either for immediate download or printed. Posters can be tailored with your organisation's logo.

    Diversity Posters

Equality and Diversity Training Resources

Equality and Diversity Toolkit

The 26 part Complete Training Toolkit allows trainers and practitioners to deliver equality and diversity training through a structured learning programme. Updated to include the 2010 Equality Act changes.

DVD Video Collection

Our video collection contains over 160 training scenarios covering equality, diversity and inclusion, bullying and harassment, and workplace skills. Our powerful drama-based video scenarios, documentary case studies, real-life testimony and expert analysis will enhance your in-house e-learning, presentations and training workshops.

Online Courses

Our off-the-shelf e-learning courses combine video drama with documentary sequences and interactive study to provide flexible, cost-effective training that delivers results. Courses can be customised to suit your organisation's needs and offer a low cost per head.

Other Resources

We also provide a range of equality and diversity posters, ready for immediate download and we publish the Diversity Calendar that can be tailored with your organisation's logo. The Diversity Calendar is currently available for £99

Training Resources - Equality and Diversity Resources

We specialise in equality and diversity training resources and materials for public sector, private sector and third sector organisations. These resources provide packages for staff working in a range of capacities for colleges, work-based learning providers, voluntary and community sector organisations, public sector bodies and in the private sector. They can be used to form the basis of induction training or guided self study for new and existing staff, including temporary staff, volunteers and people on work placement. In addition, they can be used flexibly to support delivery of equality and diversity sessions for those working directly with learners, volunteers or staff.

Featured Resources

  The Complete Equality and Diversity Toolkit
Updated with the changes brought about by the 2010 Equality Act, this 26 part toolkit allows trainers and practitioners to deliver equality and diversity training through a structured learning programme
  Conflict Drama DVDs
The Conflict Dramas DVD series aim to help learners explore gender and racial inclusion issues as well as other equality strands from a range of perspectives and use problem solving skills to attempt to resolve dilemmas.

There are two DVDs in the series; DVD1: Race and Gender and DVD2: Age, Culture, Disability, Sexual Orientation
  Disability Confident Elearning Course
Would staff in your organisation know the right way to deal with a customer or colleague who has a physical or visual impairment? Would they be comfortable with it, or would they feel awkward or embarrassed?

This learning resource provides the practical steps you need to take in order to serve disabled customers, and to work with disabled colleagues and staff.
  Gender Matters Video: Creating an inclusive workplace for both men and women
This video resource promotes an understanding of the important benefits for employees, customers and stakeholders of encouraging a workforce based on ability, not gender.

 Quick Links

Elearning Courses
Video Collection

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